Comments on: All You Need to Know About UML Diagrams: Types and 5+ Examples Beautiful Workflow Software, Business Process Management (BPM) Software Wed, 26 Feb 2020 22:06:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: SG Wed, 12 Feb 2020 08:55:18 +0000 Thanks for putting this together. I am learning from it; however, I think I found some issues with it in the Activity Diagram section. You may be confusing “activities” with “actions”. For example.

“The example above depicts the set of activities that take place in a content publishing process.”

I think is should be “The example above depicts the set of ACTIONS that take place in a content publishing process.” In this case process is the Activity. The rounded boxes represent actions, as far as I read somewhere else.
Again, I maybe confused, but I think I am right about this.

By: med Sun, 18 Nov 2018 13:50:48 +0000 Hello, Thank you for this great Article

By: Amit Kothari Sat, 13 Oct 2018 13:02:13 +0000 In reply to Igor Ganapolsky.

Hi Igor,

I think the basic notion still applies to micro-services. Instead of designing monolithic software, you’d instead design smaller micro-services which trigger from events. Such an approach is highly scalable and would also let you compute requests in parallel. So the difference to your design portion is that class diagrams are smaller and more numerous.

I hope this helps?


By: Igor Ganapolsky Tue, 25 Sep 2018 18:01:34 +0000 Thank you for this broad and comprehensive overview of UML diagrams. One thing I’ll say in response to your statement about Class Diagrams:
~”most software being created nowadays is still based on the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm”
– actually, most software is taking the functional and reactive approach these days (i.e. RxJava, Node.js, Kotlin). How would you alter your Class Diagram to meet such a shift in thinking?

By: Noel Ceta Sun, 24 Jun 2018 14:08:46 +0000 In reply to wilda.

Hello Wilda! Thank you for reading our post on UML diagrams and asking such a valuable question.
There has been several research conducted related to this. I have linked two among many of the conducted research/surveys below:


We hope this is the answer you were looking for and we will be glad to answer any further questions on the topic.

By: wilda Sun, 24 Jun 2018 13:52:56 +0000 hello. you said “Not all of the 14 different types of UML diagrams are used on a regular basis when documenting systems and/or architectures”. Can you help me to give me some reference book that says it. Thank you. I hope you answer my question.
