What Is Inventory Management Process? (& How To Implement It)

Inventory management is at the core of each business’ trading activity, a key component of supply chain management. It is ...

Grow Your Business With 7+ Lean Process Improvement Tools

You’ve heard about Lean, the business approach behind Toyota’s success. Achieving more by using fewer resources is just what you ...

How to Do Pareto Chart Analysis [Practical Example]

The Pareto chart analysis is a statistical graphical technique used to map and rank business process problems starting from the ...

Types of Business Processes Explained: A Full Guide on Business Processes

The word business process is used everyday in various business scenarios. Business after all, has such a wide variety of ...

Process Improvement Methodologies – Complete List [6+ Tools]

To stay competitive in your industry, it’s essential to constantly analyze & improve your business processes. This allows your business ...

What is a Process Flowchart and How to use it [5+ Examples]

A process flowchart is a graphical representation of a business process through a flowchart. It’s used as a means of ...

What Is an End to End Process [Real-Life Examples]

You’re looking into process improvement, and BPM (Business Process Management) sounds like a great idea to fine-tune the way you ...

How to Write a Standard Operating Procedure [5 Easy Steps]

Procedures are essential for making your business as efficient as possible. Your business already has processes – they’re the repeatable ...

Process Owners: Key to Process Improvement

No matter how efficiently your business carries out its processes, there’s always room for process improvement. Efficient processes can make ...

How to Use Deming’s 14 Points to Improve Quality

Quality management is a topic that is close to any business owner and manager’s heart. Whatever business we undertake, we ...

How to Use Kaizen to Continuously Improve Your Business

Change and improvement is an essential part of any organization. To stay ahead of your competition and never miss an ...

How to Solve Any Problem With Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Have you ever had a seemingly unsolvable problem? Sure, you have! Your business is going all out trying to reach ...

How to Improve Your Business With the Gemba Walk

When you’re looking for ways to improve a process, the boardroom may not be the best place to begin. It’s ...

Skyrocket Productivity with Business Process Transformation

Digital Transformation has been taking the world by storm. Two-thirds of the CEOs of Global 2000 companies will have digital ...

8+ Practical Business Process Improvement Ideas

Whatever your organization does, there’s a pretty good chance that your business processes aren’t as efficient as they could be ...

How to Solve Any Problem with the Eight Disciplines (8D)

What’s the best way to solve product and process-related problems? According to Ford Motor Company’s Team Orientated Problem Solving program ...

How to Improve Business Processes [4+ Practical Ideas]

Whatever your business is about, you probably use a lot of different business processes. A process is something a company ...

How to Use PDCA Cycle to Improve Process Efficiency

The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), also known as the Deming cycle, is an essential technique for process improvement. It’s a framework that ...

How to do Process Improvement with As-Is and To-Be Processes

If you’re getting into process management, the as-is and to-be process states are a must-know. Before you can make any ...

How to Document and Implement a To-Be Business Process

The “to-be business process” is the future state of an as-is process. If, after document and analyzing an as-is process, ...

How to Map and Analyze an As-Is Business Process

When carrying out business process improvement, it's essential to start by documenting and analyzing the As-Is business process. This helps ...

Improve Company Efficiency by Streamlining Business Processes

Every company is built on business processes. They're the repeatable tasks you have to carry out on a regular basis ...

All You Need to Know About APQP: Definition, Steps and Benefits

In the competitive world of business, quality isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. Quality failures can ruin a business’ ...

Determine the Root Cause of Any Problem With 5 Whys

More often than not, things don't really go your way. Your proven processes go awry, the machinery breaks,  leading to ...

7 Wastes Of Lean Manufacturing: Definition and 2+ Real-Life Examples

Is your company wasting its potential profits? Chances are, you’ll say “No!” but it might be time to take a ...

Total Quality Management (TQM): Definition and Principles

Total Quality Management is an approach that covers everything your business does, whether it’s for an external client or an ...

What is Cost of Quality (CoQ) and How it Works

In a way, Cost of Quality (CoQ) is a confusing term. To anyone new to it, it sounds like a ...

How to use the 5w2h Method to Get Things Done

Have you ever had a plan of action that somehow turns into a plan for inaction? Or perhaps you’ve been ...

Everything You Need to Know About ISO Audit

There are a lot of great reasons to undergo an ISO audit – not least of which the ability to ...

8 Most Important Six Sigma Tools to Help Drive Change

Six Sigma tools are an essential part of any business process improvement initiative. By identifying flaws and weaknesses in your ...

Value Stream Mapping: Definition, Steps, and Examples

Value stream mapping is a lean management tool that helps visualize the steps needed to take from product creation to ...

Business Process Improvement (BPI) – Definition, Steps & Methodologies

Business processes are rarely as efficient as they could be. Most businesses never stop to re-evaluate their processes - they just ...

What is a Business Process [2+ Practical Examples]

A business process is a series of repeatable steps taken by a team or company to achieve some sort of ...

How to Write a Project Proposal That’ll Get You Noticed

When it comes to trying to get yourself noticed and listened to in the world of business, you'll probably end ...

Process Architecture: Definition and Examples

Process architecture refers to the hierarchal design of processes and systems that are applied when transforming inputs into outputs. The ...

What is Process Documentation (And How to Do it)

When it comes to introducing a new process or refining and improving an existing one, there is no better way ...

Complete Guide to Business Process Improvement Tools [10+ Tools!]

Your organization most likely carries out dozens of processes on a daily basis. You probably follow a similar set of ...

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI): Definition and Techniques

Continuous process improvement (CPI) ensures that your business survives and strives in the long-term. By constantly re-evaluating and improving business ...

6+ Continuous Improvement Tools to Help Drive Growth

In today's world, businesses that can innovate and improve thrive. Ones clinging to old practices, however, eventually die out. To ...

7 Basic Quality Tools for Process and Product Improvement

The 7 quality tools were first conceptualized by Kaoru Ishikawa, a professor of engineering at the University of Tokyo. They ...

How to Choose the Right Six Sigma Consultant

Choosing to implement Six Sigma into your business is not a task for the faint of heart. Implementing Six Sigma ...

Six Sigma Software: Definition, Types and Uses

One of the best ways to optimize your business is through the use of Six Sigma software. Six Sigma is a ...

How to Stop Email Overload [10+ Actionable Tips]

Email Overload is something most professionals struggle with, in an attempt to stay on top of their inbox. If you ...

5 Actionable Tips to Reduce Operational Costs

Regardless of what the circumstances are for your business, it is always a priority to find ways to reduce operational ...

Lean vs Six Sigma: What’s the Difference & Use Cases

In the business world, there has been some debate when it comes to Lean vs Six Sigma. Most people have ...

10+ Process Improvement Examples to Drive Growth

A business process is directly defined as a string of activities within your organization typically performed by a group of ...

Definition – What is Process Consulting?

Everything a business does involves processes that are designed to achieve a certain result. But sometimes, those results aren’t what ...

Definition – What is Business Process Engineering?

Business process engineering refers to the study of business processes so that they can be improved and streamlined for optimum ...

Definition – What is a Kaizen Event?

As a  business owner, you are probably very familiar with employee workshops and understand the value of organizing one for ...

Definition – What is a Fishbone Diagram?

The fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram that helps managers to track down the reasons for imperfections, ...

Definition – What is a Process Map?

Processes turn inputs into outputs. A process map visually depicts the workflow that achieves this. The advice I like to ...

What is Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC)?

Many people are familiar with Six Sigma, a set of management techniques that helps companies minimize the likelihood of errors ...

Definition – What is a Process Improvement Plan?

What is a Process Improvement Plan? While this is a very open-ended question, as processes vary greatly from one industry ...

Definition – What is a Care Pathway?

The most successful businesses often achieve growth, reaching milestones and goals, because they often meet and exceed certain expectations held ...

How to Eliminate Change Management for Business Process Improvement

When implementing large-scale changes within an organization, it’s generally considered that you need standard change management processes and procedures to ...

Definition – What is Process Variation?

Process variation happens when processes fail to follow a precise pattern. It’s a leading cause of quality issues both in ...

Definition – What is Business Process Redesign (BPR)?

In business process redesign, vital business processes are overhauled to achieve specific goals such as increased return on investment, service ...

Definition – What is Digital Process Automation?

Process automation refers to the use of digital technology to perform a process or processes in order to accomplish a ...

Definition – What Is a Business Process Consultant?

A business process consultant is an external consultant who helps businesses by researching and analyzing the processes and systems that ...

Definition – What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma is a framework that was designed to eliminate waste and improve the customer experience. It was introduced to ...

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