What are SAFE and Crowd SAFE notes?

This is a guest post on Tallyfy by Jacob Severn about SAFE notes. Jacob Severn is a certified scrum product ...

How to Effectively Scale Your Startup

Roughly 50 million startups are born each year with the intention of eventually becoming profitable businesses. Many entrepreneurs dream of ...

Product Planning: Definition, Strategies and Examples

Product planning, by definition, is the strategizing process that spans from idea conception to product market launch. Strong product planning ...

Creating the Perfect Startup Team: 3 Archetypes

Picture yourself in an elementary school classroom. Cue the student quietly practicing his multiplication tables in the corner. Now, cue the ...

The Essential Guide to Launching a New Product [5+ Actionable Tips]

Launching a new product is an exciting time for any company. Whether it is your first product or an addition ...

Scaling Your Business – How Do You Scale Operations?

You start your company with a fantastic product that customers want and are willing to pay for. And as your ...

How do you start fundraising in Silicon Valley?

Having a great start-up idea is only half the battle when it comes to being the next Google or Facebook ...

Scale Your Operations Through Consistent Business Processes

In a world full of start-ups with great ideas, smart services, and innovative products, one of the biggest questions out ...

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