Product Updates

We publish all product updates and fixes at this page. Note – as if September 2021 – Tallyfy does not publish product updates publicly at this page. Please contact our support in-app, or request updates with your enterprise account manager. We are also working on a new website, where we intend to resume publishing a changelog of public updates.

V2.39 – Finch

August 5, 2021


  • This is a huge release. First up – groups. Yes! Assign steps or tasks to groups – not individuals!
  • We now have a people directory on the sidebar. It’s basic right now – but if you want to see who does what in your company – this will expand a lot in future.
  • The homepage of the blueprints library now defaults to an activity feed. You asked to see what was changed recently – we listened and changed things up!
  • You can now automatically generate a table of contents in a document blueprint – using proper, semantic markup for headings.


  • Lots of fixes to basic task views, comments.
  • A large amount of fixes to Settings. For example – you can now see numbers of guests and members at a glance in a table view.


  • A big load of general bugs fixed with UI improvements. These micro-improvements are subtle but really add up – overall. Did you notice the cheeky “3 birds” looking around when a view is empty or complete? They will follow your mouse around as well.

V2.38 – Vireo

May 19, 2021


  • This is huge – there is a new blueprint library. Very shiny and very new. It saves you many more clicks – since you can browse any folder by just clicking on it. You can also preview a blueprint without having to go to the blueprint editor anymore. Everybody loves less clicks. We are adding much more in future, so watch this area!
  • You can now limit the maximum assignees on a task. As we prepare to launch groups later on – this will become important, because assigning 50 people to a task is quite likely to not only overwhelm those 50 people, but make accountability almost meaningless!
  • Grab “forever links” for any guest at any time – in case they forget their link. Just so you know – Tallyfy keeps the same link for the same guest throughout their lifetime. This massively eases the burden on you and the guest as they only ever need to go to one link to see everything they did and everything they need to do.
  • Comments are now in blueprints – enabling you to collaborate while building or improving any blueprint!
  • There’s a new task type called an “Email”. Guess what it does? It actually sends an email! In the end – everything is a task. We are adding many more task types in future. It’s a simple beginning, and there are some kinks – but things are improving fast.


  • We simplified the rich text editor a bit to ensure formatting doesn’t go overboard.
  • You can now add tags when you launch a process to help categorize processes just prior to launch.


  • A lot of general bugs fixed with UI improvements. These micro-improvements are subtle but really add up – overall. We believe in the theory of “marginal gains“.

V2.37 – Quail

March 16, 2021


  • Activity feeds have gone into GA (General Availability) – so both blueprints and processes now have simple audit trails.
  • This one is great for larger companies (or any size company). You can now set onboarding “snippets” which will show to all new members that join your organization. That would mean a fully customized welcome message that you can tailor to whatever you like, which should massively help with training or introducing Tallyfy to new members in your company. The custom welcome feels a lot warmer to them too.


  • You type, you click somewhere else – you just lost your changes. Annoying right? We removed manual saving when editing step descriptions on blueprints, and we just automatically.
  • Only admin roles can now create/edit org snippets. Lucky them!
  • The status of a process to a guest is now independent of the overall process status – no need to show your clients any dirty laundry in-house!
  • Ability to open links natively in a new tab – which is great to edit or browse multiple blueprints or processes in several browser tabs.
  • We will now auto-create certain comments for you (less typing saves you the strain) or you can pick pre-written comments via a dropdown on every task. Our mission is to save your fingers and wrists through automation.
  • We updated our WYSIWYG editor with more richness and formatting options.
  • Search is now a lot better – you can do advanced searches and also do partial-match searches across all objects.


  • A big load of general bugs fixed with UI improvements. These micro-improvements are subtle but really add up – overall.

V2.36 – Peewee

February 15, 2021


  • You can now embed a blueprint within a blueprint, just like you could embed snippets as re-usable content.
  • We launched our public library of all public processes. It’s like the App Store for blueprints and templates!


  • A full (physical) address is now required when purchasing or upgrading Tallyfy – due to new requirements from our payment gateways.
  • Assignment for tasks is now in a single, combined box for both members and guests.
  • The first task in any process, or in your task list will open itself automatically for you! Aren’t you special?
  • Both members and guests can now control email notifications without being logged in.
  • Snippets have a new sprinkle of magical dates – creation date and last updated.
  • The homepage is now even more branded with the custom color of your organization.


  • Various bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.35 – Magpie

Jan 6, 2021


  • The app has a totally new and sweet homepage that focuses on common jobs you need to do. It includes one-click templates to do those jobs – so there’s no need to build a big blueprint anymore. Tallyfy runs quick, one-off jobs and approvals.
  • You can publish blueprints in public – and we will aggregate them all in a global library! Remember – your mom, wife or aunt Mildred might find them too.
  • You can add a task that expires itself as well as auto-expiring steps in blueprints. This is awesome, as nobody likes seeing “600 incomplete tasks” piled up. We’re not joking – this is like Mission Impossible – the task just “auto-completes” at the deadline. Excellent for tasks which are “optional” to acknowledge like “weekly sales numbers”.


  • Document blueprints now have a ton more formatting features. It looks like MS Word got married to Google Docs and had a baby.
  • When rules execute – the bot leaves a comment on that task. So simple, but so … very … satisfying.
  • All assets on our client app (not some) are now cached and served directly from the edge (globally) via Cloudflare – it’s an awesome company that’s made Tallyfy insanely fast for you. The API performance enhancements coming this year will also blow your mind.
  • Both members and guests can unsubscribe/control email notifications without being logged in.
  • Comments now have states – like visible to guests, collapsed, etc. So – feel free to mock your coworkers without clients being able to see your comments!
  • All magic link creation has now moved to the Settings > Integrations section – where you can generate URL’s to do anything from other apps like quickly creating a task (with just a click) or launching a process (while automatically passing through data in variables on the URL).
  • Launching a process now shows up all descriptions – which was not the case before.
  • There’s a whole new section on AI – artificial intelligence and data integrations we can work on, but it would be a custom job for now using various services that offer such capabilities. Pretty exciting though!


  • Various bugs fixed in table views
  • Branding logos in emails are fixed
  • Search results for archived processes fixed.
  • Many other bugs were squashed with our big fists, but we apologized to the bugs first.

V2.34 – Kingbird

November 24th, 2020


  • You can now react on comments 🙂
  • Guests now receive daily digests if they have any tasks due – just like members do. That means automated reminders for your clients and partners.


  • Guests can now track processes too – on their own public view.
  • Shiny and polished “ripples” when you complete a task.


  • New orgs going forward will see a plain default background. It seems rainforests aren’t for everyone!
  • Hidden tasks show correct/better state calculations for progress.
  • Many other likeable but annoying bugs were squashed.

V2.33 – Gull

October 30th, 2020




  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.32 – Falcon

September 26th, 2020



  • Date and time chooser.
  • Bulk assign deadlines.
  • Collapsibile views in blueprint library.
  • Documents view redesign.
  • Infinite scroll in process view.
  • Share-able task URLs with filters.
  • File Upload (Insert URL).


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.31 – Bluebird

August 26th, 2020


  • New homepage experience gives you a better view of your tasks, processes, and blueprints.
  • Power tools now allow you to bulk assign or unassign tasks.


  • Process launch has been simplified.
  • More detailed blueprint level webhooks


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.30 – Woodpecker

August 10th, 2020



  • Blueprint folders have a new look.
  • Blueprint editing has a new and improved design.
  • Webhooks have been restructured.


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.29 – Auklet

July 10th, 2020


  • Ability to permanently delete blueprints and processes.
  • Internal improvements to blueprints and their structures


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.
  • Fixes on roles and permissions

V2.28 – Warbler

June 24th, 2020



  • Sign up just got easier!
  • Invite guests at the time of task assignment.
  • Docs plan can now create and view rules.
  • Integration to Integromat.


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.26 – Wigeon

April 14th, 2020



  • Tracker view, see more process name in the card view.
  • Tracker view, ability to order process cards by due date.


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.25 – Goshawk

February 25th, 2020



  • Launch Process Zap (Zapier) now allows you to add guests and assign deadlines automatically.


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.24 – Brambling

January 7th, 2020


  • Guest (your clients) now have a custom view for all of the tasks you’ve assigned to them.


  • Blueprint step details pane now expands to fit any screen size.
  • Added help video for procedure blueprint creation.
  • Show and hide details added to blueprint library folders.


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.23 – Turtle Dove

December 23rd, 2019



  • Enabled native video uploads and streaming via Froala
  • Added Ability to hide/show/edit hidden tasks in Active Process Tasks
  • Renamed Process Tracker filter from “Active” to “Not complete”


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.22 – Bean Goose

November 21st, 2019


  • Improved filters on tasks view.
  • Home – Find all of Tallyfy’s main functions like creating blueprints, launching processes, and creating tasks in one spot!


  • Improved log in experience.
  • 2 pane view for blueprint creation.
  • Tags added to blueprints.


  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.

V2.21 – Phoenix

October 23rd, 2019



  • New simplistic sidebar for everything you need to access daily.
  • Access and read the User Guide articles and videos more easily!
  • Automatic reassignment of tasks and blueprint ownership for members you remove.
  • Mark a form as required or not more easily.

V2.20 – Swallow

September 2nd, 2019




V2.19 – Black Bird

July 12th, 2019




  • Fixed issues with Advanced step tab.
  • Minor fixes to step saving.
  • Minor fixes to translations in notifications area

V2.18 – Cardinal

July 4th, 2019


V2.17 – Lark

May 10, 2019




  • Regenerated all kick-off form alias, task form alias, step alias and blueprint alias for efficiency. Insert variable were automatically updated. API and Zapier users would need to update these alias. All users informed subscribed to service update emails were informed on 10th May 2018.
  • Ability to see tags on process header.

V2.16 – Nightingale

March 23, 2019




V2.15 – Raven

November 30, 2018


V2.14 – Dove

November 8, 2018


  • Templates are now called blueprints and with this change comes a brand new, improved, blueprint creation process.
  • New task filters allow you to filter completed, to-do, by coworker, and most recent and most delayed tasks.
  • Insert variables for form fields and kick-off form fields into your step’s description.
  • WYSIWYG editor added to process notes.
  • You may now edit and delete your comments.
  • Updated our authentication to OAuth 2.0, which provides even greater security and flexibility for our API, opening doors to even more integration opportunities


  • Blueprint and process names now have a max character length of 64 characters.
  • Blueprint deadlines have been simplified to show relative deadlines by default.
  • Saving blueprints is automatic and requires no save button.
  • Process header shows process state more clearly.
  • Step rules now show their corresponding step numbers.
  • Starting a process has been simplified and streamlined.


  • Fixed an issue where Zenmate chrome extension was preventing access to Tallyfy.
  • Fixed issue where users involved in only one organization were seeing a screen asking them to select an organization when signing in.
  • Fixed issue where guest tasks were not open by default and weren’t showing videos or descriptions.

V2.13 – Swan

September 17, 2018




  • Coworker names show up alphabetically in dropdown lists.
  • See a notification when others complete a task.

V2.12 – Cuckoo

August 28, 2018



V2.11 – Starling

August 8, 2018



  • Shaped and more precise radio button selection click.
  • Editing date fields on one-off tasks is fixed.

V2.10 – Kingfisher

July 26, 2018



  • General fixes and improvements.
  • Template webhooks saving issue fixed.

V2.9 – Parrot

July 17, 2018



  • New and improved sidebar! Easier access to the things you care about.
  • Step cards rise into your view when opened inside of the template editor.
  • Improved legibility on form field guidance text.
  • Relative dates have been added to all comments.
  • New, more clear, task card states, default, hover, and open!
  • Simplified create template screen, just enter the name and you’re off!

V2.8 – Bald Eagle

July 3, 2018



  • Hitting ENTER key commits save when creating text form fields


  • Fixed issue with saving form fields.
  • Fixed issue with archiving tags.

V2.7 – Condor

June 19, 2018


  • Create tasks, templates, start processes, and invite coworkers from anywhere inside Tallyfy with the new “+NEW” button.
  • Do more with the “More details” drawer in active processes and the template editor.
  • Edit assignees and deadlines inside of an active process.


  • “View More” on task card changed to “Open.”
  • Need help creating your template? Now you can schedule a call with our experts inside of the template editor with the “Need Help?” button.
  • Tabs inside of step cards got a makeover.
  • Completing and Re-opening a task plays a sound now. Editable in settings.
  • View the number of steps beside each template name in the template library.
  • Details, assign, deadline, and advanced tabs all contain their own save buttons.
  • Template library archive now has improved darker line design.
  • Ability to remove uploaded avatar.
  • The template editor has a new look and feel.
  • Step alias & field alias are no longer generic and are now read only and can be easily copied.
  • Completed task cards now display the name of the coworker who completed them.


  • Fixed “unsaved changes” lightbox popping up when switching tabs.
  • Fixed “discard changes” button issue not actually discarding changes.
  • Assigning a task in another coworker’s task view now auto assigns them.
  • Checkbox click lag is fixed.
  • If issue is present on process with no tasks, visual indicators will now reveal the issue.

V2.6 – Horned Owl

May 7, 2018


  • New completed task card design with ‘View More’ to see form fields and description.


  • Template step’s ‘Assign’ tab wording is more clear.
  • Active process header scrolls with you and contains important process information.
  • A more intuitive Create Template screen with template name prompt above text field.
  • Cleaner template step cards – no longer contain visible description text at top of card when closed.
  • Ability to easily select a country code for your phone number on sign-up.
  • Users must now click “Agree to Tallyfy service notifications” before joining org.
  • Withdrawing a coworker invite displays success alert.


  • Date picker accepts years 1900 to 9999.
  • “Last step of process” renamed to “Last step of template” and moved to bottom of deadline dropdown list.
  • Username on user’s settings screen is non-editable.
  • Full screen videos do not have overlapping sidebar.
  • COMPLETE button only needs one click to mark complete.
  • Preview form field now contains correct UI for checklist form field type.
  • Users are no longer able to delete a file on a completed task.
  • Switch seamlessly between step tabs with no dialogue prompts when no changes have been made.
  • Sorting filter remains saved on Process Tracker when returning from different screens.

V2.5 – Crow

April 25, 2018


  • Tallyfy is on Zapier! Check out how to connect with and use Zapier.
  • Automatically start a processes using Zapier.
  • Automatically create one-off tasks using Zapier.
  • Ability to create anything new with the NEW button on the top menu.


  • Ability to book a call with sales before you consider upgrading your plan.
  • Ability to clearly see alerts on top menu.
  • Ability to see other coworker’s tasks lists from coworkers-settings view (Paid plans only).
  • Ability to see total number of tasks in the task view.

V2.4 – Eagle

April 13, 2018


  • New WYSIWYG (new text editor) in task comments
  • New color for process statuses (on progress bars):
    • Green = On-time
    • Yellow = Due in 24 hrs
    • Red = Overdue/issue reported
  • New color indicator for task deadlines:
    • Grey = on-time
    • Yellow = Due in 24 hrs
    • Red = Overdue
  • New ‘Power Assign’ guests at start of process (BASIC/PRO plan feature.)
  • New step relative deadlines (required to refresh after task completion.)


  • More subtle button saving animations.
  • Ability to see full text clearly in completed forms.
  • Your company logo will appear much clearer on Tallyfy, and can now handle @2x files.(please upload it again.)


  • Template steps saving when moved.
  • Relative deadline step name appearing in full.
  • Guest task shows description clearly.
  • Image/files inserted to template step description can be saved and downloaded.

V2.3 – Heron

March 11, 2018



  • Ability to edit a process name during a process.
  • Ability to delete custom process view criteria and entire views.
  • ‘Mark as incomplete’ button on completed task renamed to ‘Re-open.’
  • Completed task card design aligned to incomplete task card design.


  • Clarity on upgrade required beyond 5 users in STARTER (free) plan.
  • Complete button on one-off tasks with description now showing.

V2.2 – Sparrow

March 1, 2018


  • New ability to upload your and others profile photos! 🙂
  • New ability to change organization name and add more organization details.
  • New task card indicated ‘View more’ for forms and descriptions on a task.


  • Downloading files uploaded in tasks.
  • Ability to resend a coworker invite.
  • Task description in completed task now shows up clearly (not HTML.)

V2.1 – Albatross

Feb 9, 2018


  • New ability to delete one-off tasks.
  • New ability to archive templates.
  • New ability to create sub-tasks (checklist form fields in a process task.)
  • New ability to view/edit organization ‘Billing’ under ‘Settings’
  • New ability to remove coworkers from ‘Settings’
  • New ability to invite a new coworker from the template step – Assign tab.
  • New spanish UI on browsers set to that language.
  • New added a rich text editor for step descriptions.
  • New template webhooks emit richer information.


  • Template step card opens without need to refresh.
  • Process tracker shows accurate number of steps (when there are hidden steps.)
  • Can download files uploaded to tasks.
  • Assignment of guest emails saves accurately in start process.
  • Guest task view shows assignee name, organization name etc.
  • Guest task view can upload files.
  • Fixed bugs on showing and hiding conditional rules.
  • The status of coworkers you invite is now accurate.
  • Billing links now let you view billing history and change billing information.
  • Lots of smaller bugs squashed (fixed).

V2.0 – Penguin

Jan 10, 2018

Our entirely new product launched to the public 🙂


Assign, automate, track and train in one, beautiful system. It's amazingly easy and deliciously powerful.

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