Question – Is business process management dying or merely changing?

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“Old BPM” is dying because it’s changing and being replaced by “modern BPM”.

Here’s what’s causing this replacement:

Users are now deciding to buy software by themselves

In “old BPM,” it was IT that made the decisions and called the shots.

Not anymore.

It takes a quick google search (5 seconds) to find and try out pretty much any software out there.

All modern software is now expected to be “free to try”

“Old BPM” could not be tried without wading through lots of chats with a sales person and weeks of combing through manuals.

People now expect to try something for free before committing to a purchase. Modern BPM supports this.

Old BPM was too focused on internal use cases e.g. automating financial workflows, etc.

“Modern BPM” is actually simple enough to run client-facing workflows.

Integration is now a commodity service

A whole sector has emerged called “integration as a service.”

Unlike “old BPM” — where armies of IT used to write code — there’s no need to know any code to quickly snap two apps together. However, such functionality needs an API – which is generally only available with a modern BPM.

People now work on phones

This means that looking at clunky, gigantic flowcharts in “old BPM” doesn’t work anymore. Which leads to the next point …

People don’t follow flowcharts

BPMN and “old BPM” were all about rigor. When a high priest commands you to do it – it does not feel like a nice experience.

“Modern BPM” actually caters to the way modern people do work — collaboratively.

Old BPM can’t tap into cloud AI

Next-gen AI vendors are API-first. None of the “old BPM” vendors are API-first. It’s only the “modern BPM” ones that can claim this fact. By being API-first, they not only enable easy integration, but snap-in capabilities as they emerge from opportunities/research being done in AI.

Old BPM was really just for big companies

“Modern BPM” appeals to companies of all sizes by simplifying workflows so that anyone can use it – by putting usability first. This opens up the other 90% of the market that never had BPM.

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