Customer Feedback Loop: What It Is And How To Close It

As a business, you're always looking to improve your product and create a good and meaningful relationship with your customers ...

3 Easy Mistakes With A Customer Journey Map

This is a guest post by Ashley Asue. Ashley was raised on a ranch built to rehabilitate exotic animals. She ...

Voice of the Customer: Definition, Benefits and Tips

Every day, your customers interact with your company in some large or small way. This interaction may occur when that ...

The Service Process: Definition and Types

Whether your organization produces goods or offers services, the service process defines the customer experience. It will either lead to ...

The Omni-Channel Experience: Definition and 5 Examples

The internet and the multiple devices and platforms that connect to it has transformed the way we shop. It should ...

Hope is Not a Strategy for Onboarding Customers

I recently had lunch with my friend and colleague Roderick Jefferson. Roderick is a nationally recognized educational and motivational speaker ...

The 6 Stages of the Customer Buying Process & How to Leverage Them

Disregarding the type of business you run, or the industry you're in, you should probably be aware of what the ...

Customer Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide

Customer experience, by definition, is the sum of every interaction a business has with their customer: everything from customer acquisition ...

High-Value Customer: Definition, Acquisition and Retention

A high-value customer can be the difference between a successful company and a bust. They represent a big chunk of ...

A Step by Step Guide to Onboarding New Clients

You already know that a lot of time, money, and energy goes into signing a new client. So the last ...

Customer Value: What it Means and How to Create It [5+ Ideas]

Customer Value is the level of satisfaction of your customer towards your business. The word "Value" can have a number ...

Improve Customer Delight with Knowledge Base Software

Knowledge base software can make a huge difference in how your customers perceive your brand, especially when it comes to ...

Definition – What is a Client Intake Process?

Many businesses spend a lot of time and money on marketing campaigns to attract new clients. Marketing is important but ...

What Is Customer Success and How To Reach It

Customer success gurus may tell you that in order for your business to succeed you have to have a certain ...

Definition – What is Customer Onboarding?

Customer onboarding is a term typically used to describe the process users go through, from the start of their journey ...

Definition – What is Customer Experience Management?

Customer Experience Management, abbreviated as CEM or CXM, describes the processes used by companies to follow and organize interactions with ...

Definition – What is User Adoption?

User adoption is a situation in which users adopt a system that works to fill a specific need. They transfer from ...

Definition – What is a Service Level Agreement or SLA?

A service level agreement is a formal or informal contract between internal or external and the end user of the ...

Definition – What is the Customer Lifecycle?

Take a moment to think about the steps your customers go through before they even make their very first purchase ...

Definition – What is Client Onboarding?

Summary "80% of a company’s future revenue will come from 20% of its current customers" - Gartner Client onboarding is ...

Definition – What is Customer Retention?

Customer retention is the actions companies take to get their customers to continue using their services. Surprisingly, it is not ...

What to Include in Your Customer Win Report

Without your customers, your company wouldn’t have anything to do all day. Customers are essential to any company from a ...

Conquering the Top 8 Customer Onboarding Issues

Appreciate your clients/customers. Thank you notes, thank you gifts for onboarding new clients and/or discounts to your most loyal customers ...

Transforming the Customer Journey

The aim of every company selling a product or providing a service is to find and retain customers through a ...

First Impressions Are Everything to Customers

What do you think of when you think customer first impressions? The appeal of a storefront or the street on ...

Your Guide to Amaze Customers with Better First Impressions

Making first impressions amazing for a customer is your key to growth and customer retention. You have only one chance to ...

Customer Implementation – Your Product Becoming a Habit

In order to acquire and retain new customers, you have to understand the concept of customer success. Why do customers ...

The Biggest Gap Between Sales and Customer Success

Regardless of your industry, your sales goals are probably relatively simple. You need a certain amount of revenue in order ...

Share your Customer Onboarding Process – With Your Customer

When you get a customer, you want to keep them. A purchase is great, but a lifetime of purchases is ...

Customer Success Management – The Psychology and Implementation of Customer Champions

Given how much the success of a company is dependent on the success of its customers, it is surprising that ...

How to Retain Customers: 7 Proven Methods

Many businesses do an excellent job of making initial sales and then become complacent with their current customers as they ...

Improve Communications to Keep Customers

The bottom line of any business is increasing sales. As a result, many business owners focus on attracting new customers ...

Top 7 Use-Cases of Customer Success Software

Customers are the building blocks of any successful business. Without them, a business can't survive. One of the biggest challenges ...

Customer Loyalty – 5 Surprising Facts About its Importance

Customer loyalty is one of those key indicators of an enterprise’s success that every executive knows has a significant impact on ...

Customer Churn: Definition and 6 Ways to Reduce It

A large part of overhead for many businesses revolves around customer acquisition and reducing customer churn. That includes marketing dollars, ...

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