Customer Feedback Loop: What It Is And How To Close It

As a business, you're always looking to improve your product and create a good and meaningful relationship with your customers ...

3 Easy Mistakes With A Customer Journey Map

This is a guest post by Ashley Asue. Ashley was raised on a ranch built to rehabilitate exotic animals. She ...

Top 10 Strategies for Successful Sales Management

As a sales manager, you are responsible for leading your team to reach their quotas and generate more revenue for ...

Definition – What is a Sales Cycle?

Have you ever wondered how long you should wait before following up with a potential customer? Following up too soon ...

How to Perfect Your Sales Handover Process

In order to understand the sales handover process, it is helpful to imagine it as a relay race where the ...

Definition – What is a Pre-Sales Process?

Imagine that you are a business owner and a fitness enthusiast who wants to open a brand new gym in ...

Definition – What is a Sales Funnel?

Every sale your business will make follows a predictable progression of phases that, if completed, will lead to a sale ...

Definition – What is a Sales Cycle?

Have you ever wondered how long you should wait before following up with a potential customer? Following up too soon ...

Designing a Sales Process Using Task Management Software

For any business, building a scalable sales process can be a difficult process. Although there is no shortage of advice ...

5 Essential Steps to Improve Sales Lead Management

The need to improve sales lead management is ongoing in virtually every business, but especially those with a focus on ...

What is a Prescriptive Sales Process And Why Use It?

You have an excited and motivated sales team. They are passionate about the product and are dedicated to working hard ...

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