The Importance of User Experience in Business Process Management or BPM

When it comes to creating the right process management system, you could be forgiven for thinking it’s all about that ...

How to Choose a Process Improvement Consultant for Your Business

Successful businesses know how effective streamlining and continually improving their processes can be. Safeguarding your bottom line in an ever-changing ...

How to Improve Content Marketing Processes

Organizations typically set up processes to generate repeatable, consistent and predictable results with the least amount of friction possible. The ...

Online legal agency serves more clients by reducing service delivery time

Effective Immigration Consulting (EIC) is a nationally recognized agency providing web-based immigration services to thousands of clients in Central America ...

5 Essential Steps to Improve Sales Lead Management

The need to improve sales lead management is ongoing in virtually every business, but especially those with a focus on ...

10 Steps to Increase Customer Retention

Your existing customers are your company’s lifeline. Consumer researchers such as the Gartner Group have found that roughly 80% of ...

What is a Prescriptive Sales Process And Why Use It?

You have an excited and motivated sales team. They are passionate about the product and are dedicated to working hard ...

Improve Communications to Keep Customers

The bottom line of any business is increasing sales. As a result, many business owners focus on attracting new customers ...

Top 7 Use-Cases of Customer Success Software

Customers are the building blocks of any successful business. Without them, a business can't survive. One of the biggest challenges ...

How To Use Client Referral To Grow Your Business

Every business has the same challenge: Growth. Profits, sales, client base. These are all areas that can plateau and create serious ...

How to Automate Your Content Marketing Workflow [5 Easy Steps]

Content marketing processes can be very hectic. There’s a lot of back and forth communication between different departments and teams ...

How to Succeed with Business Process Management for SMBs

Does business process management immediately make you think of large corporate structures? With armies of people working together like clockwork ...

Six Sigma Process – A Brief Introduction

In an ideal world, companies would be able to run their business with no waste and no customer attrition. Without ...

Continuous Process Improvement – Secrets to Success

The consistent buzz about continuous improvement has been present for more than three decades by now—to the point where it ...

Quality Assurance Operations – Make Workflow Seamless

With the ever-hastening speed of technology production, software and application development need to be better and faster. But the development ...

Agile Process Management – A Brief Introduction

The speed of software development is ever-hastening. Consumers expect it and companies understand that they are required to fulfill this ...

10 Steps to Launching a Successful Process Improvement Initiative

A successful process improvement initiative is the key to a company’s ability to maintain an edge over the competition. Unfortunately, many company ...

Why & How Use Content Publishing Workflow Software

Today, content is more important than ever - and by extension - so is content workflow software. Some of the ...

Customer Loyalty – 5 Surprising Facts About its Importance

Customer loyalty is one of those key indicators of an enterprise’s success that every executive knows has a significant impact on ...

10 Reasons Why Customer Referrals Matter

The only way to grow your company and make more money is to increase your sales. It takes a lot ...

Checklist Manifesto – Summary & Key Points

In 1935, at the Wright Field in Ohio, the Army Air Force held a tryout among aircraft companies for its ...

The Essential Employee Onboarding Process for Employee Retention

“First impressions are lasting impressions.” That’s something my English professor told me the last day of my senior year. It’s ...

More members onboarded and outcomes improved by 50%

VPOIDS is a technology and services company specifically serving non-profits. They use Tallyfy’s robust API to help non-profit organizations manage large ...

The Process Collaboration Pair Makes Great Organizational DNA

There’s nothing like a double helix to animate an entity, breathe life into it, and help generate objectives and actions ...

Task vs Project vs Process Management – Which Is Right For You?

Do tasks, projects, and processes sometimes seem like one big blur? Never fear, help is at hand. This article on ...

Outsourced service provider offers their clients visibility into service for the first time

Segue Partners is a forward-thinking and fast-growing outsourced administrative accounting firm. They use Tallyfy to enable their clients to track their ...

Tallyfy helps the Opera Theatre of St. Louis complete approvals 60% faster

Opera Theatre of St. Louis is an award-winning theatre using Tallyfy to ensure their content approval checks and other core ...

Policy Management: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

There are too many departments sending too many policies in different formats. Policy management is buried in documents, spreadsheets and ...

How to Crowdsource Ideas for Process Improvement

For many companies, process improvement is like that multivitamin you’re supposed to take every day, but keep forgetting – even ...

6 Ways to Improve Employee Adoption of Business Process Management Tools

Business process management tools are growing in popularity among organizations that seek to increase productivity, lift revenue, and improve both ...

5 Ways to Reduce Waste and Build Lean Business Processes

Traditionally, lean business processes were centered in the manufacturing sector as a means of controlling cost. This ensures that the ...

Maximizing Efficiency Through Multistep Approval Processes

You would expect that in the most advanced and growth-centric organizations that each department would be humming along with carefully-calculated ...

Using Adaptive Case Management for Customer Success

Success is something that is not often easily defined in business because it can mean so many different things. Success ...

Workflow vs Business Process Management – What’s the Difference?

It’s not uncommon for people to use workflow management and process management interchangeably. After all, there are some fundamental similarities ...

Improve Investment Compliance Through Process Management

Hedge funds were already a fairly complex financial service organization and it has been that way for decades. This means ...

Essential Guide to Healthcare Process Management

The healthcare industry is has one of the most complex infrastructures compared to other global industries. Consider all the moving ...

Employee Onboarding – The Stakes Are High

A well-lit desk, a decent PC, a stack of business cards, and a coffee mug with the company logo? While ...

How to Optimize and Improve Insurance Workflows

The nature of business is changing. Competition and SaaS offerings are having a dramatic impact on insurance workflow in companies, ...

The Complete Guide to Digital Transformation

Today’s business world is characterized by disruption. Digital transformation is essential for any business that wants to stay relevant in ...

Service Design Software and Why You Need It

Service design software enables you to boost output, elevate customer support, and much more. It’s all about content, right? This ...

Customer Churn: Definition and 6 Ways to Reduce It

A large part of overhead for many businesses revolves around customer acquisition and reducing customer churn. That includes marketing dollars, ...

Client Management Software – Benefits & Use-Cases

Which do you think is the bigger risk after gaining a new account – losing the account because you don't ...

Workflow App with Open Integrations: Future of Process Management

Why is a best-of-breed workflow app for process management - the ultimate growth driver for your business? When it comes to ...

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