What is Tribal Knowledge and How Do You Capture It?

In most companies, there is a large amount of knowledge about products, customers, and processes that are only known to ...

High-Value Customer: Definition, Acquisition and Retention

A high-value customer can be the difference between a successful company and a bust. They represent a big chunk of ...

Deep Learning Business Applications (Updated)

In 2017, there are a lot of Deep Learning business applications, with new opportunities popping up day by day. A ...

The Essential Guide to Onboarding Remote Employees

Onboarding remote employees tends to be a lot harder than onboarding regular employees. While the internet era opened up new ...

How to Improve Employee Buy-In [4 Proven Methods]

Employee buy-in is the first step to carrying out any sort change in an organization. It is, however, never really ...

Latest Website Launch SEO Checklist (Updated)

An SEO checklist is one of the best tools you can have in hand when launching your new website. Having ...

How to Stop Email Overload [10+ Actionable Tips]

Email Overload is something most professionals struggle with, in an attempt to stay on top of their inbox. If you ...

15+ Business Automation Tools To Cut Costs and Drive Growth

Business automation tools are a trendy way to automate processes in your business, creating value both for the company and ...

20+ Gmail Addons for Both Professional and Personal Use

Email has become the go-to platform for businesses trying to communicate with employees, especially with multi-site operations and remote employees ...

A Step by Step Guide to Onboarding New Clients

You already know that a lot of time, money, and energy goes into signing a new client. So the last ...

Customer Value: What it Means and How to Create It [5+ Ideas]

Customer Value is the level of satisfaction of your customer towards your business. The word "Value" can have a number ...

5 Actionable Tips to Reduce Operational Costs

Regardless of what the circumstances are for your business, it is always a priority to find ways to reduce operational ...

Lean vs Six Sigma: What’s the Difference & Use Cases

In the business world, there has been some debate when it comes to Lean vs Six Sigma. Most people have ...

How to Perfect Your Sales Handover Process

In order to understand the sales handover process, it is helpful to imagine it as a relay race where the ...

The Essential Guide to Launching a New Product [5+ Actionable Tips]

Launching a new product is an exciting time for any company. Whether it is your first product or an addition ...

Proactive Management – How to Make Better Business Decisions

Proactive management is the approach to management where the leader runs the company "proactively." Meaning, rather they are active in ...

Latest Content Marketing Checklist [10+ Actionable Tips]

If you’re not using a content marketing checklist to hit all the critical channels for improving your reach, then it’s ...

Improve Customer Delight with Knowledge Base Software

Knowledge base software can make a huge difference in how your customers perceive your brand, especially when it comes to ...

10+ Process Improvement Examples to Drive Growth

A business process is directly defined as a string of activities within your organization typically performed by a group of ...

Simple Ways to Track People and Improve Productivity

With the surge of SaaS platforms and smartphone applications, it’s become increasingly easy for employers to track people both in ...

The Impact of Peter Drucker on Management Theory

Peter Drucker is an author, teacher, and consultant who is well-known in the business world. He is often referred to ...

Definition – What is an Enterprise Application?

Like the heart within the human body, an enterprise application is what keeps the various systems of the enterprise’s brain functioning ...

Office Politics – 4 Ways To Make It Work for You

The term “office politics” makes many people cringe because it often carries with it a negative connotation. And while it ...

Definition – What is a Client Intake Process?

Many businesses spend a lot of time and money on marketing campaigns to attract new clients. Marketing is important but ...

What is Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN)

Process maps can be very confusing - without a single, unified procedure for documenting processes, understanding them can be hard ...

Definition – What is Process Consulting?

Everything a business does involves processes that are designed to achieve a certain result. But sometimes, those results aren’t what ...

Definition – What is Business Process Engineering?

Business process engineering refers to the study of business processes so that they can be improved and streamlined for optimum ...

Digital strategy consulting firm chooses Tallyfy for workflows

Digital Prism Advisors (dPrism) is a New York based digital strategy consulting firm helping medium to large organizations grow through ...

Scaling Your Business – How Do You Scale Operations?

You start your company with a fantastic product that customers want and are willing to pay for. And as your ...

Run Killer Content Marketing Strategies Through Consistent Workflows

In order for content marketing strategies to be successful, you need to start by building documented content marketing strategies. That ...

Definition – What is a Kaizen Event?

As a  business owner, you are probably very familiar with employee workshops and understand the value of organizing one for ...

Stressed at Work? 8 Simple Ways to Manage Work Stress

Take a walk through the average workplace and talk to the staff. If you asked them if they were stressed ...

What Is Customer Success and How To Reach It

Customer success gurus may tell you that in order for your business to succeed you have to have a certain ...

Definition – What is a Human Capital Strategy?

It’s important to have a sound business strategy, but who is responsible for carrying it out in order to fulfill ...

Definition – What is a Kanban System?

Kanban is a system that schedules lean manufacturing. It controls the supply chain to realize cost savings through implementing the ...

Definition – What is Customer Onboarding?

Customer onboarding is a term typically used to describe the process users go through, from the start of their journey ...

Definition – What is Design Thinking?

The idea of design thinking is not at all new. People have been practicing design through the ages, from man-made ...

How do you start fundraising in Silicon Valley?

Having a great start-up idea is only half the battle when it comes to being the next Google or Facebook ...

The Role of Business Process Management (BPM) within the Internet of Things (IoT)

Any form of business process needs to be future proof and adaptable when it comes to technological advances. One of ...

Definition – What is a Fishbone Diagram?

The fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram that helps managers to track down the reasons for imperfections, ...

Low-Code vs BPM Software: What’s the Difference?

BPM software has always been known for being clunky and hard to use. Despite this, it's an essential tool for ...

Definition – What is a Process Map?

Processes turn inputs into outputs. A process map visually depicts the workflow that achieves this. The advice I like to ...

How Greetabl use Tallyfy to scale internal and ecommerce operations

Greetabl is a rapidly growing online one-stop-shop for creatively-curated gifts.  Greetabl uses Tallyfy's process management tool to run and scale their e-commerce operations ...

Definition – What is a Pre-Sales Process?

Imagine that you are a business owner and a fitness enthusiast who wants to open a brand new gym in ...

Definition – What is Total Cost of Ownership?

Total cost of ownership is the sum of the purchase price of an asset plus operating costs for its lifetime ...

Definition – What is a Change Control Process?

A change control process is followed to improve service, product, or project-based outcomes in B2B and sometimes B2C relationships. It begins ...

Scale Your Operations Through Consistent Business Processes

In a world full of start-ups with great ideas, smart services, and innovative products, one of the biggest questions out ...

Service Management vs Business Process Management

One of the main challenges facing businesses of all sizes is how best to manage the number of processes and ...

Definition – What is Customer Experience Management?

Customer Experience Management, abbreviated as CEM or CXM, describes the processes used by companies to follow and organize interactions with ...

What is Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC)?

Many people are familiar with Six Sigma, a set of management techniques that helps companies minimize the likelihood of errors ...

Definition – What is a Process Improvement Plan?

What is a Process Improvement Plan? While this is a very open-ended question, as processes vary greatly from one industry ...

The No-Nonsense Guide to Employee Onboarding – with an Onboarding Checklist

I want to share a personal example of how a new hire can go very wrong without an onboarding checklist ...

How to Make Fewer Mistakes at Work and Boost Productivity

While some employees might be content with bare minimum effort, others (like you) are committed to constant improvement and aim ...

Definition – What is a Care Pathway?

The most successful businesses often achieve growth, reaching milestones and goals, because they often meet and exceed certain expectations held ...

How to Eliminate Change Management for Business Process Improvement

When implementing large-scale changes within an organization, it’s generally considered that you need standard change management processes and procedures to ...

The Ultimate Quality Checklist for Content Marketing

When it comes to content marketing, there can be the temptation for businesses to treat it as a function that ...

Definition – What is User Adoption?

User adoption is a situation in which users adopt a system that works to fill a specific need. They transfer from ...

Definition – What is Process Variation?

Process variation happens when processes fail to follow a precise pattern. It’s a leading cause of quality issues both in ...

Definition – What is Business Process Redesign (BPR)?

In business process redesign, vital business processes are overhauled to achieve specific goals such as increased return on investment, service ...

Definition – What are SMART Goals and Objectives?

If there is one subject that most people love to talk about, it’s goal setting. Endless podcasts, articles, books, and ...

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